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New York
New York
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
* The above fare table was last updated on Mar 14, 2025 03:51 AM. The sample fares are for round trip economy class flights per passenger in US dollars, unless specified. Fares are inclusive of fuel surcharges, service fee and taxes. Fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Read our terms and conditions for more information.
What you save is yours. With Fareburst, get bargain airfares to the US or international destinations. Instead of promising cashback and reward points that stay in a digital wallet for future booking, we offer the savings directly to you by providing cheap flights. Immediate savings, isn’t a better idea? Save every time on airline tickets you purchase.
Book flight tickets online quickly. Browse the available flights with multiple carriers operating on the route you wish to travel. Identify the cheapest plane tickets by sorting and filtering the flights by time slot, free baggage options, connections, and carriers. Our travel technology makes everything fast and easy no matter what device you are on.
Family travel, a romantic vacation, Christmas holidays, New Year, Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Independence Day, or any other enjoyable time of the year – make travel affordable with cheap flights.
Looking to find the cheap flights? Here are some proven tips to follow to cut the airfare.
Weekday Vs weekend flights: If you are flexible with your day of the flight, book airline tickets for the mid-week days – Tuesday to Thursday. On weekends as more people plan their travel, a surge in airfare is noticeable.
Check out budget airlines: Look for budget airlines, also known as LCC or low-cost carriers operating on your route. They offer significantly cheaper flight tickets than their full-service counterparts.
Mind the key events: Be it a cultural festival or business expo, airlines go overbooked on the occasion as the demand for tickets is high. Some adjustment to the travel date or schedule can help you to save big on your flight reservation.
Destination season: Every destination has its low, high, and average tourist season. Since, the season has a big impact on airfare, while on a budget, try to skip the high or peak season.
Book early : Now how early can be a question. Though there is no definite time window, follow the standard practice. For international flights, consider making the flight reservation seven to eight weeks in advance. In case of a domestic flight, book your airline tickets at least 2 to 3 weeks before the scheduled.
It depends on the airfare rules. Some tickets are flexible while others, mostly for cheap flights, are highly restricted. Learn the airfare rules. If you do not have much time, proactively enquire about the terms and conditions applicable to the ticket you buy.
It all depends upon the availability of seats with an airline within a few hours of departure. If tickets remain unsold, the carriers try their best to get passengers for unsold seats by offering cheap tickets.
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If you are in a group of more than 9, you can avail of group flight benefits. Write to us on the email id available on the contact us page sharing passenger count, city of departure and arrival, day of the flight, time preference if any, and much more to receive the best group flight deals.
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